by Catherine Bullard | 30, Oct, 2020 | Holistic Health & Wellness, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized
It makes no difference who makes up your tribe. Whether it’s your children, your soul sisters, your work colleagues, your social club members, your students, clients, social media group or followers, or whoever else, everyone is a Leader in some role, somewhere...
by Catherine Bullard | 13, May, 2020 | Soul Wisdom & Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized
“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with...
by Catherine Bullard | 9, Apr, 2020 | Soul Wisdom & Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized
What does the journey of transformation look like? What happens as we awaken? The Hero’s Journey That moment when you start to doubt and question your old habits, beliefs and actions, the beliefs you unconsciously adopted as a framework for...
by Catherine Bullard | 22, Jul, 2019 | Self Care, Soul Wisdom & Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Stress & Overwhelm, Uncategorized
Someone asked me whether self-care really works. She said “How do we know it actually does anything?” And I have to admit I was pretty surprised! I know that self-care makes a HUGE difference to your health, if it’s done consciously. But her question got...
by Catherine Bullard | 24, Jun, 2019 | Soul Wisdom & Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Uncategorized
We think of poor and wealthy as being worlds apart. But in reality poverty and wealth are just two opposite, or polarising, points of the same thought form of “money”. Hot and cold are also two extremes of the same form, temperature, and light and heavy the two...
by Catherine Bullard | 17, May, 2019 | Intuition, Meditation & Mindfulness, Self Care, Sleep, Soul Wisdom & Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Stress & Overwhelm, Uncategorized
Exciting News – I have a fabulous Self-Care Retreat for women coming up in November 2019 and a Wellness Retreat in September 2019. I love what I do. And even though I’m used to seeing wonderful results for my clients, I’m still always thrilled...