Do you long for greater health so you can embrace life with zest and passion?
Are you over feeling limited and stuck in ongoing health issues?
Wouldn’t you love more vitality, energy, clarity and wellness on all levels
– body, mind, emotions and soul?
Are you ready to take back control of your health with positive steps to
support your wellness?
I’m Catherine Bullard and I can help you reclaim your physical health and wellness,
and create a stronger playground for more intuitive growth and fun. By caring for
our physical body we also nurture our intuitive abilities.
Let me help you build wellness and better health, whether that’s on a physical,
emotional, cognitive or spiritual level
…and I’ll do it all naturally.

My unique treatment method also shifts emotional blocks that are holding you back from wellness.
With a powerful combination of Homeopathy, Awareness Coaching, Flower and Herb Essences
and Energetic Alchemy I gently create deep and sustained improvement in your health and wellness.
I specialise in helping those with chronic health conditions as well as acute ailments for all the family.
Contact me to discuss whether I am the right match for you.
The WomanGetWise Membership is packed with fabulous rich content especially for Spiritual Adventurers seeking deep, solid, grounded guidance for conscious manifestation of wellness on all levels – mind, body, emotions and soul
You’ll get premium access to all my articles, teachings, audios, videos, meditations and more, for as long as you remain a member
Plus you get exclusive access to my quarterly MASTERCLASS
And members have access to juicy content from other healers, teachers and creatives, guiding us forward into the new world in Conscious Awareness
For the cost of just a couple of coffees a month you can have all this abundance whenever you want.