• ´°☽*•¸¸✯ Celebrate The Returning Light ✯¸¸•*☽´° •


Refine your vision for the future with Precision


Saturday 20th June, 11am – 2.30pm




Winter Solstice Workshop



Midwinter is a time for nurturing and self-care.

At this darkest time of year, Winter Solstice, we align with the greater cycles of nature. Sending our metaphorical roots deep into the earth we instinctively turn within to nourish and replenish ourselves, engage with our deep inner wisdom, and integrate the lessons of the past year.

Just as New Moon marks a time of rebirth in the Lunar Cycle, Winter Solstice marks the time of rebirth and new beginnings in the Solar Cycle.

Within the Stillness of this time of incubation we prepare to sow the creative seeds of our vision.


winter solstice workshop



This Winter Solstice Claim Your Position as a

Conscious Leader of the New World

in this safe and sacred Winter Solstice workshop



The Corona Gateway has ripped apart all the old structures we counted on and now propels us into an unknown future. You have an opportunity in this moment to Consciously Create your new future with Deliberate Intention

As we slowly move out of the limitation and distancing of the Corona Gateway, ride this swell of powerful energy. Draw on the expanded spiritual power and greater levels of consciousness to cultivate refined Light for your future.



Emerging from the Midwinter Darkness we awaken, ready to set new intentions,
dream new visions, and create a new future.


Too often we do it impulsively without first engaging with our Highest Self to map out a life vision that supports us in wholeness on every level – body, mind, emotions and spirit. Through ceremony we energise the seed of our vision to consciously create a future aligned with deliberate intention.




Join me to…


♥ Generate Courage, Clarity, Power and Enthusiasm to shape the new realities ahead
♥ Connect with your Inner Guidance to shape Clear Vision
♥ Sow the creative seed of your vision and move forward with clarity and focus
♥ Manifest a new reality of Conscious Intention and Divine Purpose
♥ Fearlessly embrace your Creative Power and open your Soul to infinite potential and cosmic wisdom
♥ Lay the foundation for a calmer, more stable and grounded embodiment of your lessons of the past year
♥ Share this uplifting experience with like-minded women across the globe


♥ Includes a very special transformative ceremony of rebirth and renewal




Create your WINTER SOLSTICE VISION WHEEL for your future



You’ll love this online workshop of reflection, meditation, journaling, ceremony, discussion, and guidance to support you to create a focused vision for your future.

Within this safe supportive nurturing space engage deeply with Source energy and access the Deep Wisdom you hold within

This workshop’s also wonderful for anyone celebrating Summer Solstice as you’re emerging from the Corona Lockdown, like emerging from Winter




Join us for this powerful ceremony

Awaken and emerge to open the gateway to renewal and transformation



Secure Your Place Now





DATE:    Saturday 20th June

TIME:     11.00am – 2.30pm

LOCATION:   Online (link sent with registration)

COST: $59 (AU)

Places limited





Vision Wheels


A vision wheel is a mystical tool that combines vision with identity. They help you get really clear about what your life looks like. The enormous power of the Vision Wheel lies in the blending of the three levels of mind that are essential to transformation and creation – conscious, subconscious and superconscious.

Vision Wheels differ from vision boards. Both help ground your vision but Vision Wheels bring all levels of Being into coherance for a deep impact.

Create your Vision Wheel for your future directed by Highest Intuitive Wisdom



Reserve Your Place

winter solstice workshop