Many people think if they just eat well and exercise they can get healthy. But if you don’t get rid of the toxins in your life you’ll never get really healthy. Some of the biggest offenders are the cleaning products we have in our home. Every day we’re exposed to a big range of nasty chemicals in these products. Replacing toxic cleaning products with baking soda (or bicarb soda) is simple and effective. It’s the smart way to make a big difference to your family’s health and turn your house into a ‘Healthy Home’. Here are 35 sizzling uses for baking soda in your home.
The first step is to assess what toxins you have in your home and ditch the toxic ones.
Before I continue here, just so we all know, Bicarb Soda is Baking Soda – same thing, different name!
Children now experience more and more reactions to the chemicals they encounter in their foods or their environment. They’re found in the air, water, cleaning products, or items such as furnishings. While it’s vital these children aren’t exposed to chemical toxins, it’s better for all of us if we’re exposed to less also.
‘Safe levels of exposure’ for cleaning products and personal care products are calculated with the assumption you’re exposed just once to that exact amount of that one product. But these calculations don’t account for that same chemical being in many products commonly in daily use. You’re not exposed to it just once, but many times throughout every single day.
Even if the amount of the chemical in a product is within ‘safe levels’ there are many other products also containing the same ‘safe level’ of chemical. The quantities of these chemicals add up. so we’re exposed to far more of the chemical than what’s safe. Therefore we regularly reach unsafe levels of exposure. Which is even more reason to find healthier alternatives to cleaning, skin and hair care products.
In your pantry you have one of the best replacements around for many cleaning products. It’s bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda in the US, sodium bicarbonate, or soda ash. Most of us have it to cook with but it has many other fantastic uses.
When you’re busy it’s easy to just grab ready-made cleaning products. But the reality is these products contain toxic ingredients. Surprisingly, there’s no way of knowing what these are as manufacturers aren’t required to list all the ingredients.
Making your own cleaning products is a great money saver!
Home made cleaning products work really well and they’re non-toxic!
Some cleaning companies use only home-made natural cleaning products, made from vinegar, lemon and of course bicarb soda. As a cleaning product bicarb soda can make a big impact. It has a gentle excoriating action that shifts even difficult to remove grime.
Bicarb soda works mainly as an abrasive although there’s a small amount of chemical reaction involved. When mixed with vinegar it improves the corrosive action of the vinegar.
Baking soda neutralises unpleasant odours without simply masking them.
Bicarb soda works simply but can have a significant effect. Here are my 35 ‘anti-corporation, anti-toxins, simple-clean & healthy home’ ways to use bicarb soda in your home.
- Remove stubborn stains: Apply a paste of three parts bicarb soda and one part water. Let it stand then scrub and wipe clean.
- Toilet stains: Prevent stains developing in the porcelain. This is particularly useful in areas with hard, mineral-rich water. Once a week sprinkle baking soda in the bowl and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then spray with vinegar to moisten it. Scrub with the brush and flush away.
- Clean baths and tiles: Sprinkle on a damp cloth and scrub as normal. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. You can use this on fibreglass and all tiles. For extra cleaning power make a paste of bicarb soda, course salt and liquid soap (dish detergent is ok but castile soap is better). Let it sit on the surface and then scour off.
- Clean glass shower doors: Bicarb soda is excellent for removing soapy scum from the shower doors. Many products aren’t recommended for glass doors but bicarb soda is gentle enough to do no damage. Simply sprinkle on a damp cloth and wipe down the glass. Rinse well and dry.
- Remove lime from taps: When lime forms around your taps or drains mix vinegar with a little bicarb soda to form a paste and coat the area with lime on it. Let it sit for a few hours and then rinse off. It may take a few applications to get rid of heavy deposits.
- Clear clogged drains: To clean out any clogs that have formed inside the drain from hair, soap or grime, pour in 120mls bicarb soda and follow it with 250mls vinegar. Let it sit for ten to twenty minutes and then flush the drain out with very hot water. But, DON’T try on a clogged drain after you’ve used a commercial cleaner. A reaction may occur that spews out caustic fumes and liquid. Pour ¼ cup bicarb soda down the drain weekly to avoid clogs in the first place. Follow with lots of hot water.
Draw out stains: To draw out stains from stone, marble, limestone or unglazed ceramic surfaces coat the stain with a thick paste of bicarb soda and water. Let stand for 24 to 48 hours and then rinse and dry thoroughly.
- Clean grout: Make a runny paste with water and use an old toothbrush to clean stains in the grout between tiles.
- Hand cleanser and softener: To remove ground-in dirt and neutralise odours on your hands scrub with a paste made with 3 parts bicarb soda and 1 part water or a gentle soap like Castile soap. Rinse away.
- Clean brushes and combs: Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking in a basin of warm water containing 1 teaspoon bicarb soda. Rinse.
- Grease stains: Pre-treat grease stains with a paste of bicarb soda and water.
- Deodorise laundry hamper: Sprinkle with bicarb soda every few days to prevent odours between washes.
- Clean clothes: ½ cup of bicarb soda in the rinse cycle freshens sheets and towels and deodorises smelly gym or work clothes.
- Boost cleaning power of liquid detergent: Add ½ cup bicarb soda to the water to enhance the cleaning power of your liquid detergent. Also the clothes get cleaner and fresher with a better pH balance in the water.
- Deodorise the rubbish bin: Sprinkle in the bottom of the container and repeat when you put a new bag in.
- Clean surfaces: Sprinkle on a damp cloth and wipe. Rinse clean with clean water
- Fridge odours: Neutralise odours by placing a box of bicarb soda in the fridge. Afterwards use the old box of bicarb soda to clean the drains.
- Remove baked-on food from pots and pans: Sprinkle with bicarb soda then add hot water. Let soak overnight and wash next morning. The dried food will come off easily. Alternatively add 2 heaped tablespoons with detergent to the sink of water to cut grease and foods left on the surface. Let cooked-on foods soak in the mix first . Then use bicarb soda on a damp sponge as a scratchless scourer. Great for non-stick surfaces.
- Microwave: Sprinkle on a damp cloth and wipe out the microwave to clean and remove smells. Rinse well with water.
- Polish silverware: Make a paste of three parts bicarb soda to one part water and rub onto silver with a clean cloth. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
- Clean the oven: Sprinkle bicarb soda onto the bottom of the oven. Spray with water to dampen. Let it sit overnight. In the morning scrub, then scoop out the bicarb soda and grime with a sponge and rinse.
- Clean the cutting board: Deodorise by sprinkling with bicarb soda, then scrub and rinse.
Teeth cleaner: An awesome teeth cleaner! Bicarb can be used straight on your toothbrush as a scrubber free from sugar and fluoride. Use it as you would toothpaste and follow with a rinse and gargle of bicarb soda and water. For more traditional toothpaste make a paste with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
- Tired feet: A few tablespoons in a bowl of warm water makes a wonderful foot soak for tired feet.
- Insect bites: Apply a paste of bicarb soda and water to bee stings and other insect bites. It draws substances out of the skin to reduce swelling and helps to neutralise the acid in the insect saliva.
- Freshen mouth: One teaspoon in half a glass of water makes a mouth rinse to neutralise odours.
- Clean oral appliances: Soak oral appliances like retainers and dentures in 2 teaspoons bicarb soda dissolved in a glass of warm water. It loosens food particles and neutralises odours
- Air freshener: To freshen the air simply leave an open box out. Or mix with your favourite scented bath salts in a pretty dish on the toilet cistern. It should last about three months.
- Deodorant: Pat onto your underarms to neutralise odours
- Itchy skin: Shake some bicarb soda into your hand and rub it into damp skin after a shower.
- Remove marks (even crayon) from painted furniture and walls: Apply bicarb soda to a damp cloth and rub gently. Wipe off with a clean dry cloth.
- Clean and deodorise sports gear: Use 4 tablespoons of bicarb soda in 1 litre water. Sprinkle into golf bags or gym bags to deodorise. Clean golf irons gently with a paste of 3 parts bicarb soda and 1 part water and a brush, then rinse.
- Remove smells from carpets: Liberally sprinkle bicarb soda on the carpet. Leave it overnight. Next day sweep up larger amounts and vacuum the rest. You deodorise the vacuum at the same time.
- Deodorize all manner of things: Place an open box in cupboards to freshen them. Sprinkle on car seats, wait 15 minutes and then vacuum. Sprinkle pet bedding and vacuum in the same way.
- Deodorise shoes: sprinkle into the shoes of anyone with smelly feet. Remember to shake out before wearing.
If you’re planning to switch to baking soda consider buying it in bulk for great savings!
These are just some of the incredible uses for bicarb soda or baking soda around the home.
Why not try out some, or even all of them?
Do you have any other great uses for baking soda? Please share them in the comments below.
All information and opinions presented here are for information purposes only. They are not intended as a substitute for professional advice offered during a consultation with your health care provider. Do not use this article to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think your condition may be serious or before discontinuing any prescribed medication. Please consult with your health care provider before following any of the treatment suggested on this site, particularly if you have an ongoing health issue.
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