by Catherine Bullard | 18, Jan, 2019 | Self Care, Stress & Overwhelm
When you hear the words “Self-Care” do you immediately think “I have no time”, or “It’s selfish”, or “$$$”, or “Massage-bubble-bath-facial-flowers”, or “Time-out, which is impossible” or maybe you feel guilty about it? Or perhaps it’s just that the term ‘self-care’...
by Catherine Bullard | 19, Dec, 2018 | Self Care, Soul Wisdom & Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Stress & Overwhelm
In the song the ‘True Love’ sent so many gifts on the twelve days of Christmas. We can be so generous to others while we withhold love, nurture and support from ourselves. During this busy time of year our Self-Care often goes by-the-way as we race from...
by Catherine Bullard | 11, Dec, 2018 | Holistic Health & Wellness, Self Care, Stress & Overwhelm
December is the hyper-stress time of the year. With so much extra pressure it’s essential to practice Conscious Self-Care. Practising stress relief techniques to reduce the negative effects on your body, mind and emotions is one of the most crucial ways to...
by Catherine Bullard | 18, Nov, 2018 | Holistic Health & Wellness, Self Care, Stress & Overwhelm
Spring has blossomed in all her exuberance, bringing the reminder of youth, and the promise of new beginnings. Spring is the time of transformation and growth; the time to renew your energy and change your life. These top tips for Spring wellness will launch your...
by Catherine Bullard | 6, Aug, 2018 | Holistic Health & Wellness, Natural Remedies, Seasons & Universal Cycles
Apparently yesterday was the last really cold morning we’re going to have in Melbourne this year. Or so a friend told me. But I’m not so sure winter is ready to bid us goodbye. Nevertheless, it’s been a hard winter and right now we need some...
by Catherine Bullard | 5, Jul, 2018 | Holistic Health & Wellness, Natural Remedies, Seasons & Universal Cycles
When your mood matches the sky it’s tempting to dive under the doona and tune out from the world. Winter is naturally a time to close down and go within so we need to be mindful of honouring our needs during this time. We need to sleep more, eat nourishing foods and...